A feast for the eyes, grab a bite.

A winter like so many winters weren’t…a normal winter. Yet just as soon as it gave us rich cold, ice and snow, it was swept away with the current! The salty grime of early spring gave way to beautiful sun – and then a bit too much sun – to bring us now to a seasonal end. The Great Lakes are still happier than many years previous, let’s hope it lasts. Be thankful for all the stability we still have, amidst this chaotic climate – yet we must not forget our place globally.

Our responsibility to address the storm on our horizons – overwhelming so many nations already – is critical if we are to have a future with more candy-crisp falls, snow-filled winters, rain-petal springs and breezy summers.

Let the longest day be filled with the strongest resolution. Volunteer with your community and enjoy the breezy summer!

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